Saturday, May 19, 2012

Setia City Mall

Awesome new shopping mall. I like! The shop there is not bad. The mall has dressing paula! Hee. Got cha time, famous amos, daiso, mph, uniqlo, gsc, delicious, nandos & lots more. I just went there with my family but not long due to the air conditioning in the mall is not working today. My mum & niece are not comfortable being there. So we went back home after we had our lunch at section 10 shah alam eating nasi ayam. No worries because my sister, suhi & i will go back to the mall by today. ;)


I'm back! ;)

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today i had a better day than yesterday. Alhamdulillah, i dun have to be mad or angry or having a terrible headache. But i do have a mild headache on the left side of my head. But i just ignore it. Sometimes i feel it & sometimes i dont. Other than that the birthday celebration was good. I ate a lot! Hee. They have cake, nasi goreng, karipap, bihun, kueh seri muka, kuih xtau, small tuna sandwich, small egg sandwich, some soft drinks & "air kotak". Work today i did 20 cases cuz it seemed that the cases might run out already. So i dun ask for more. I will ask tomorrow. Time to rest~

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Missing my niece. Last time i saw her was on sunday evening. She was not feeling well last week. Here's a picture of her wearing a "koyok" which i found funny due to the "koyok" looks bigger compared to her. Huhu.


Is a BAD day for me. :-( today is a day where u feel everything is going out wrong for u. In the morning i have a headache with a panda eyes due ti yesterday i was crying until i fell asleep. Then in the morning i had a bad headache on the right side of my head. I went to the office. When i reached there i msg someone then continue crying cover-cover at my desk in the office cuz xbole tahan sedeyhnye tambah2 lg tgh dgr mp3 lagu sedeyh. Haiyo mmg terbaek. Huhu. Byk tisu pakai. Then dlm 9 sumthing i xtahan pening, i amek minyak cap kapak, 2 biji actifast, air mineral, roti & i naek surau nak rehat tido. Smpi surau naseb baek surau xkunci. I masuk, mkn actifast then rehat tido. Bgn dlm pukul 11.15 a.m & rase best sbb xpening lg. Alhamdulillah. Pastu i pn turun ke ofis & sambung bwat keje. Lunch pule kul 11.50 turun ke caps square lunch kami berempat bersame sorang lg ex-colleague dtg plan the day before utk mkn lunch. Pas mkn biasela borak2 smpi dlm kul 3.15 p.m. I xsiap keje lg sbnrnye. I bwat sket je keje arini sbb xsehat & xde mood sgt2 + gangguan emosi & perasaan arini. Pastu sampai je ofis, ade kwn ckp B cari & on comp ade email dr B juge. Ckp pasal hilang kemane 2 jam sbb die tgk dr communicator tulis has been away for 2 hours. Actually B pn bkn manager i. Org laen tp xtaula knape die sibuk2. Bkn slalu i bwat begini cume today mcm2 sgt berlaku. So i pn reply email die. I rase bengang sbb die bkn manager i & sibuk nk cr org.

Sometimes kta manusia akn ade satu hari atleast rase mcm everything gone wrong. For me today. Pas satu satu masalah dtg. :-( after that i just abeskn bwat 13 kes je mane kes yg i ade & xminte lg sbb mase pn xcukup & today blk kul 5 p.m. Usually patot kene bwat 25 kes. Tp today i btol2 xde mood & i mcm2 sgt jd so i bwat abeskn kes ape yg i ade sahaje = 13. I dun do OT etc. Ape i tau cukup mase i blk. Esok nie xtau la akn jd isu ke x bwat B. Kalo die maseh keco pasal productivity, mesti i akn ditanye & kene bg alasan. And as usual ape2 alasan pn mereka akn bole counter blk. Sbb tue malas nk bg ape2 alasan.

Campur aduk bahase dh i tulis dlm post nie. Sorry la ye kalo xfhm. Don't worry, it doesn't concern anyone. I'm just expressing my bad day & hopefully tomorrow going to be a good day for me which i doubt that since today i dh bwat hal kn. Huhu. Ow btw tomorrow lak i ade birthday celebration kat ofis for January to May babies. They have started it back since it had stopped on September 2011. Okay got to go freshen up & pray. Till i write again~

What to expect when you're expecting

Wow, my first post for the year 2012. Since i have deactivated my facebook due to some reasons, i'm back to updating my blog. The post is about a movie. I got 4 free tickets to the prescreen of a movie what to expect when u're expecting. I won it thru by being the first caller thru on last friday evening (11/5/2012). Yeay me! However last nite was the worst argument we had by far. Lot of things going on in my life for this past few days. And none of them is a good thing. :'( i have to express my thoughts here due to i have lost my best friend. And only he who knows the whole story going on in my life. That sucks rite ? I know. Haih.