Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Is a BAD day for me. :-( today is a day where u feel everything is going out wrong for u. In the morning i have a headache with a panda eyes due ti yesterday i was crying until i fell asleep. Then in the morning i had a bad headache on the right side of my head. I went to the office. When i reached there i msg someone then continue crying cover-cover at my desk in the office cuz xbole tahan sedeyhnye tambah2 lg tgh dgr mp3 lagu sedeyh. Haiyo mmg terbaek. Huhu. Byk tisu pakai. Then dlm 9 sumthing i xtahan pening, i amek minyak cap kapak, 2 biji actifast, air mineral, roti & i naek surau nak rehat tido. Smpi surau naseb baek surau xkunci. I masuk, mkn actifast then rehat tido. Bgn dlm pukul 11.15 a.m & rase best sbb xpening lg. Alhamdulillah. Pastu i pn turun ke ofis & sambung bwat keje. Lunch pule kul 11.50 turun ke caps square lunch kami berempat bersame sorang lg ex-colleague dtg plan the day before utk mkn lunch. Pas mkn biasela borak2 smpi dlm kul 3.15 p.m. I xsiap keje lg sbnrnye. I bwat sket je keje arini sbb xsehat & xde mood sgt2 + gangguan emosi & perasaan arini. Pastu sampai je ofis, ade kwn ckp B cari & on comp ade email dr B juge. Ckp pasal hilang kemane 2 jam sbb die tgk dr communicator tulis has been away for 2 hours. Actually B pn bkn manager i. Org laen tp xtaula knape die sibuk2. Bkn slalu i bwat begini cume today mcm2 sgt berlaku. So i pn reply email die. I rase bengang sbb die bkn manager i & sibuk nk cr org.

Sometimes kta manusia akn ade satu hari atleast rase mcm everything gone wrong. For me today. Pas satu satu masalah dtg. :-( after that i just abeskn bwat 13 kes je mane kes yg i ade & xminte lg sbb mase pn xcukup & today blk kul 5 p.m. Usually patot kene bwat 25 kes. Tp today i btol2 xde mood & i mcm2 sgt jd so i bwat abeskn kes ape yg i ade sahaje = 13. I dun do OT etc. Ape i tau cukup mase i blk. Esok nie xtau la akn jd isu ke x bwat B. Kalo die maseh keco pasal productivity, mesti i akn ditanye & kene bg alasan. And as usual ape2 alasan pn mereka akn bole counter blk. Sbb tue malas nk bg ape2 alasan.

Campur aduk bahase dh i tulis dlm post nie. Sorry la ye kalo xfhm. Don't worry, it doesn't concern anyone. I'm just expressing my bad day & hopefully tomorrow going to be a good day for me which i doubt that since today i dh bwat hal kn. Huhu. Ow btw tomorrow lak i ade birthday celebration kat ofis for January to May babies. They have started it back since it had stopped on September 2011. Okay got to go freshen up & pray. Till i write again~

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